H19 研究業績
- Hakuma N, Betsuyaku T, Kinoshita I, Itoh T, Kaga K, Kondo S, Nishimura M, Dosaka-Akita H. High Incidence of Extracellular Matrix Metalloproteinase Inducer Expression in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancers. Association with Clinicopathological Parameters. Oncology. 72(3-4):197-204 (2007)

- Shinagawa N, Yamazaki K, Asahina H, Agata J, Itoh T, Nishimura M. Gefitinib administration in a patient with lung cancer undergoing hemodialysis. Lung Cancer. 58(3):422-4 (2007)

- Ikeda D, Tsujino I, Sakaue S, Ohira H, Itoh N, Kamigaki M, Ishimaru S, Atsumi T, Nishimura M. Pilot study of short-term effects of a novel long-acting oral beraprost in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension. Circ J. 71(11):1829-31 (2007)

- Hizawa N, Makita H, Nasuhara Y, Betsuyaku T, Itoh Y, Nagai K, Hasegawa M, Nishimura M. beta2-Adrenergic Receptor Genetic Polymorphisms and Short-term Bronchodilator Responses in Patients With COPD. Chest. 132(5):1485-92 (2007)

- Yokouchi H, Chamoto K, Wakita D, Yamazaki K, Shirato H, Takeshima T, Dosaka-Akita H, Nishimura M, Yue Z, Kitamura H, Nishimura T. Combination tumor immunotherapy with radiotherapy and Th1 cell therapy against murine lung carcinoma. Clin Exp Metastasis. 24(7):533-40 (2007)

- Makita H, Nasuhara Y, Nagai K, Ito Y, Hasegawa M, Betsuyaku T, Onodera Y, Hizawa N, Nishimura M; Hokkaido COPD Cohort Study Group. Characterisation of phenotypes based on severity of emphysema in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Thorax. 62(11):932-7 (2007)

- Itoh N, Sakaue S, Nakagawa H, Kurogochi M, Ohira H, Deguchi K, Nishimura S, Nishimura M. Analysis of N-glycan in serum glycoproteins from db/db mice and humans with type 2 diabetes. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 293(4):E1069-77 (2007)

- Ito Y, Betsuyaku T, Nasuhara Y, Nishimura M. Lipopolysaccaride-induced neutrophilic inflammation in the lungs differs with age. Exp Lung Res. 33(7):375-84 (2007)

- Odajima N, Betsuyaku T, Nasuhara Y, Nishimura M. Loss of caveolin-1 in bronchiolization in lung fibrosis. J Histochem Cytochem. 55(9):899-909 (2007)

- Kikuchi E, Yamazaki K, Torigoe T, Cho Y, Miyamoto M, Oizumi S, Hommura F, Dosaka-Akita H, Nishimura M. HLA class I antigen expression is associated with a favorable prognosis in early stage non-small cell lung cancer. Cancer Sci. 98(9):1424-30.(2007)

- Yamada N, Yamazaki K, Kurimoto N, Asahina H, Kikuchi E, Shinagawa N, Oizumi S, Nishimura M. Factors related to diagnostic yield of transbronchial biopsy using endobronchial ultrasonography with a guide sheath in small peripheral pulmonary lesions. Chest. 132(2):603-8 (2007)

- Yoshikawa M, Sukoh N, Yamazaki K, Kanazawa K, Fukumoto S, Harada M, Kikuchi E, Munakata M, Nishimura M, Isobe H. Diagnostic value of endobronchial ultrasonography with a guide sheath for peripheral pulmonary lesions without X-ray fluoroscopy. Chest. 131(6):1788-93 (2007)

- Sakaue S, Ishimaru S, Ikeda D, Ohtsuka Y, Honda T, Suzuki J, Kawakami Y, Ishii J, Nishimura M. Estimation of beta-cell function from the data of the oral glucose tolerance test. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 292(6):E1575-80 (2007)

- Kikuchi J, Yamazaki K, Kikuchi E, Ishizaka A, Nishimura M. Pharmacokinetics of telithromycin using bronchoscopic microsampling after single and multiple oral doses. Pulm Pharmacol Ther. 20(5):549-55 (2007)

- Shinagawa N, Yamazaki K, Onodera Y, Asano F, Ishida T, Moriya H, Nishimura M. Virtual bronchoscopic navigation system shortens the examination time--feasibility study of virtual bronchoscopic navigation system. Lung Cancer.56(2):201-6 (2007)

- Reynolds SD, Shen H, Reynolds PR, Betsuyaku T, Pilewski JM, Gambelli F, DeGuiseppe M, Ortiz LA, Stripp BR. Molecular and functional properties of lung SP cells. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 292(4):L972-83 (2007)

- Yokouchi H, Yamazaki K, Kinoshita I, Konishi J, Asahina H, Sukoh N, Harada M, Akie K, Ogura S, Ishida T, Munakata M, Dosaka-Akita H, Isobe H, Nishimura M. Clinical benefit of readministration of gefitinib for initial gefitinib-responders with non-small cell lung cancer. BMC Cancer. 7:51 (2007)

- Shinagawa N, Yamazaki K, Onodera Y, Asahina H, Kikuchi E, Asano F, Miyasaka K, Nishimura M. Factors related to diagnostic sensitivity using an ultrathin bronchoscope under CT guidance. Chest. 131(2):549-53 (2007)

- Shigemura M, Moriyama T, Shibuya H, Obara M, Endo T, Hashino S, Yokouchi H, Asaka M, Shimizu C, Chiba H, Nishimura M. Multiple myeloma associated with sialyl salivary-type amylase. Clin Chim Acta. 376(1-2):121-5 (2007)

- Hosokawa T, Betsuyaku T, Nishimura M, Furuyama A, Katagiri K, Mochitate K. Differentiation of tracheal basal cells to ciliated cells and tissue reconstruction on the synthesized basement membrane substratum in vitro. Connect Tissue Res. 48(1):9-18 (2007)

- Kikuchi J, Yamazaki K, Kikuchi E, Ishizaka A, Nishimura M. Pharmacokinetics of gatifloxacin after a single oral dose in healthy young adult subjects and adult patients with chronic bronchitis, with a comparison of drug concentrations obtained by bronchoscopic microsampling and bronchoalveolar lavage. Clin Ther. 29(1):123-30 (2007)

- Maeda Y, Hizawa N, Takahashi D, Fukui Y, Konno S, Nishimura M. Genetic impact of functional single nucleotide polymorphisms in the 3'-UTR region of the chemoattractant receptor expressed on Th2 cells (CRTH2) gene on asthma and atopy in a Japanese population. Int Arch Allergy Immunol. 2007;142(1):51-8.

- Yokouchi H, Otsuka Y, Otoguro Y, Takemoto N, Ito K, Uchida Y, Okamoto K, Nishimura M, Kimura K, Kaji H. Primary peripheral adenoid cystic carcinoma of the lung and literature comparison of features. Intern Med. 46(21):1799-803 (2007)

- Konno S, Hizawa N, Betsuyaku T, Yasuo M, Yamamoto H, Koizumi T, Nishimura M. Adult Langerhans cell histiocytosis with independently relapsing lung and liver lesions that was successfully treated with etoposide. Intern Med. 46(15):1231-5 (2007)

- Hasegawa M, Betsuyaku T, Yoshida N, Nasuhara Y, Kinoshita I, Ohta S, Itoh T, Park PW, Nishimura M. Increase in soluble CD138 in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid of multicentric Castleman's disease. Respirology.12(1):140-3 (2007)

- 渡邉武史、小岩弘明、白井真也、簗詰徹彦、本多敏朗、斉藤俊一、合田昌. 川崎病が原因と考えられる冠動脈瘤を背景に若年成人に急性心筋梗塞を発症した1症例. 心臓.39:469-74 (2007)
- 伊藤洋子,西村正治:ガイドラインに基づくCOPDの慢性期の治療,medicina,44: 1113-1116 (2007)
- 小田島奈央,別役智子,南須原康行,伊藤智雄,福田 悠,Senior RM,西村正治:間質性肺炎におけるEMMPRINN発現,分子呼吸器病,11: 75-79 (2007)
- 鈴木雅,西村正治:特集 咳と痰,呼吸器科,11: 615-619 (2007)
- 長井桂,西村正治:COPD(慢性閉塞性肺疾患)の診断と治療 COPD(慢性閉塞性肺疾患)の成因,Modern Physician,27: 1457-1462 (2007)
- 南須原康行:症例に学ぶ呼吸機能検査 ①肝肺症候群,呼吸,26: 363-366 (2007)
- 南須原康行:COPDにおける気道径と気流制限,呼吸器科,11: 311-314 (2007)
- 南須原康行:第135回薬剤師臨床セミナー 特別講演 COPD(慢性閉塞性肺疾患)の診断と治療,札幌薬剤師会誌,56: 35-48 (2007)
- 南須原康行:特集 インフルエンザ-伝播阻止と抑制- インフルエンザ院内発生時の対応,医薬ジャーナル,43: 109-112 (2007)
- 西村正治:安定期の薬物療法,COPD FRONTIER,6: 61-66 (2007)
- 西村正治,田村 弦,浅野浩一郎,山口正雄:座談会 Harvardでの生活と研究,喘息,20: 59-65 (2007)
- 西村正治:酸素のはなし,HSK北海道低肺,74:1-8 (2007)
- 西村正治,浮田英明,伊東佳澄,斎藤拓志:座談会 COPD診療における地域連携のあるべき姿、その実現性を探る,COPD Frontier,6:100-108 (2007)
- 西村正治:COPDにおける3次元気道解析 ― 薬物治療効果を含めて,クリニカル プラクティス,26:68-70 (2007)
- 西村正治:息切れ表現の研究から,呼吸器ケア,5:1 (2007)
- 西村正治:特集 COPD up to date COPDとはどのような病気か,成人病と生活習慣病,37:972-977 (2007)
- 長谷川大,西村正治:COPDの病態生理学的特徴,日本臨床,65:639-643 (2007)
- 檜澤 伸之:呼吸器,治療,89:13-16 (2007)
- 別役智子:COPD発症にかかわる酸化ストレスの関与,日本臨牀,65:633-636 (2007)
- 別役智子:特集 気道構成細胞と喘息 気道上皮細胞,喘息,20:23-25 (2007)
- 別役智子,西村正治:夕張は元気です!「肺の健康まつり」現地リポート,日経ヘルスプルミエール,2:156-158 (2007)
- 別役智子:カルボニル蛋白と呼吸器疾患,呼吸と循環,55:1113-1116 (2007)
- 山崎浩一:気管支鏡下マイクロサンプリングを用いた気道上皮被覆液中の抗菌薬薬物動態の検討,日本胸部臨床,66:924-930 (2007)
- 伊藤洋子,西村正治:慢性呼吸不全,呼吸器疾患最新の治療2007-2009,<南江堂・工藤翔二,中田紘一郎,貫和敏博 編>,201-204 (2007)
- 南須原康行,西村正治:呼吸器の検査(ガイドラインを中心に),別冊医学のあゆみ 呼吸器疾患 Ver.5,<医歯薬出版株式会社・北村 論,工藤翔二,石井芳樹 編>,125-127 (2007)
- 西村正治:気道・肺胞疾患 (1)慢性閉塞性肺疾患,内科学 第9版,<朝倉書店・杉本恒明,矢崎義雄 編>,683-689 (2007)
- 長谷川 大,西村正治:肺機能検査,呼吸器内科Q&A,<総合医学社・松岡 健 編>,119-125 (2007)
- 前田由起子,西村正治:鑑別を要する疾患の特徴となる所見,呼吸器 common diseaseの診療 気管支喘息のすべて,<文光堂・東京・大田 健,一ノ瀬正和 編>,168-171 (2007)
- 渡部 拓,戸辺一之,亀井 望,門脇 孝:糖尿病患者の食欲 インスリンの脳内作用,糖尿病カレントライブラリー8 糖尿病の食事・運動療法,<文光堂・津田勤輔、林達也 編>,105-109 (2007)