H24 研究業績
- Konno S, Hizawa N, Fukutomi Y, Taniguchi M, Kawagishi Y, Okada C, Tanimoto Y, Takahashi K, Akasawa K, Akiyama K, Nishimura M.:“The prevalence of rhinitis and its association with smoking and obesity in a nationwide survey of Japanese adults”,Allergy,67(5):653-660(2012)

- Hattori T, Konno S, Shigemura M, Matsuno K, Shimizu C, Shigehara K, Shijubo N, Hizawa N, Yamaguchi E, Nishimura M.:“Total serum IgE levels and atopic status in patients with sarcoidosis”,Allergy Asthma Proc,33(1):90-94(2012)

- Shimizu K, Konno S, Ozaki M, Umezawa K, Yamashita K, Todo S, Nishimura M.:“Dehydroxymethylepoxyquinomicin(DHMEQ), a novel NF-kappa B inhibitor, inhibits allergic inflammation and airway remodelling in murine models of asthma ”Clin Exp Allergy,42(8):1273-1281(2012)

- Mizugaki H, Sakakibara-Konishi J, Ikezawa Y, Kikuchi J, Kikuchi E, Oizumi S, Dang TP, Nishimura M.:“γ-Secretase inhibitor enhances antitumour effect of radiation in Notch-expressing lung cancer”,British Journal of Cancer,106(12):1953-1959(2012)

- Sato T, Tsujino I, Ohira H, Oyama-Manabe N, Yamada A, Ito Y, Goto C, Watanabe T, Sakaue S, Nishimura M.:“Validation study on the accuracy of echocardiographic measurements of right ventricular systolic function in pulmonary hypertension“,J Am Soc Echocardiogr,25(3):280-286(2012)

- Shigemura M, Konno S, Nasuhara Y, Shimizu C, Matsuno K, Nishimura M.:“Impact of asthmatic control status on serum cystatin C concentrations“,Int J Cardiovasc Imaging,50(8):1367-1371(2012)

- Nishimura M, Makita H, Nagai K, Konno S, Nasuhara Y, Hasegawa M, Shimizu K, Betsuyaku T, Ito-M Y, Fuke S, Igarashi T, Akiyama Y, Ogura S, the Hokkaido COPD Cohort Study Investigations;:“Annual Change in Pulmonary Function and Clinical Phenotype in Choronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease“,Am J Respir Crit Care Med,185:44-52(2012)

- 山下ひろ子, 小山田玲子, 奥 直子, 西村正治, 石黒信久.:「感染性胃腸炎患者の早期隔離と院内集団感染回避に関する観察研究」,『環境感染誌』,27(5):333-341(2012)
- Asahina H, Tamura Y, Nokihara H, Yamamoto N, Seki Y, Shibata T, Goto Y, Tanioka M, Yamada Y, Coates A, Chiu YL, Li X, Pradhan R, Ansell PJ, McKeegan EM, McKee MD, Carlson DM, Tamura T.:“An open-label, phase I study evaluating safety, tolerability, and pharmacokinetics of linifanib (ABT-869) in Japanese patients with solid tumors“,Cancer Chemother Pharmacol,69(6):1477-1486(2012)

- Yamamoto N, Nokihara H, Yamada Y, Goto Y, Tanioka M, Shibata T, Yamada K, Asahina H, Kawata T, Shi X, Tamura T.:“A Phase I, dose-finding and pharmacokinetic study of olaparib (AZD2281) in Japanese patients with advanced solid tumors“,Cancer Sci,103(3):504-509(2012)

- Seki Y, Yamamoto N, Tamura Y, Goto Y, Shibata T, Tanioka M, Asahina H, Nokihara H, Yamada Y, Shimamoto T, Noguchi K, Tamura T.:“Phase I study for ridaforolimus, an oral mTOR inhibitor, in Japanese patients with advanced solid tumors“,Cancer Chemother Pharmacol,69(4):1099-1105(2012)

- Makino Y, Yamamoto N, Sato H, Ando R, Goto Y, Tanai C, Asahina H, Nokihara H, Sekine I, Kunitoh H, Ohe Y, Sugiyama E, Yokote N, Tamura T, Yamamoto H.:“Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic study on amrubicin and amrubicinol in Japanese patients with lung cancer“,Cancer Chemother Pharmacol,69(4):861-869(2012)

- Asahina H, Sekine I, Horinouchi H, Nokihara H, Yamamoto N, Kubota K, Tamura T.:“Retrospective analysis of third-line and fourth-line chemoterapy for advanced non-small-cell lung cancer“,Clin Lung Cancer,13(1):39-43(2012)

- Goto Y, Sekine I, Tanioka M, Shibata T, Tanai C, Ashina H, Nokihara H, Yamamoto N, Kunitoh H, Ohe Y, Kikkawa H, Ohiki E, Tamura T.:“Figitumumab combined with carboplatin and paclitaxel in treatment-naive Japanese patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer“,Invest New Drugs,30(5):1548-1556(2012)

- Oyama-Manabe N, Sato T, Tsujino I, Kudo K, Manabe O, Kato F, Osman NF, Terae S.:“The strain-encoded (SENC) MR imaging for detection of global right ventricular dysfunction in pulmonary hypertension“,Int J Cardiovasc Imaging,29(2):371-378(2012)

- Shigemura M, Nasuhara Y, Konno S, Shimizu C, Matsuno K, Yamaguchi E, Nishimura M.:“Effects of molecular structural variants on serum krebs von den Lungen-6 levels in sarcoidosis“,Journal of Translational Medicine,2012 Jul11;10:111

- Sakakibara-Konishi J, Oizumi S, Kikuchi J, Kikuchi E, Mizugaki H, Kinoshita I, Dosaka-Akita H, Nishimura M.:“Expression of Bim, Noxa, and Puma in non-small cell lung cancer“,BMC Cancer,2012 Jul 12;12:286

- Fukutomi Y, Taniguchi M, Nakamura H, Konno S, Nishimura M, Kawagishi Y, Okada C, Tanimoto Y, Takahashi K, Akasawa A, Akiyama K.:“Association between Body Mass Index and Asthma among Japanese Adults: Risk within the Normal Weight Range“,Allergy and Immunology,157(3):281-287(2012)

- Yamada N, Oizumi S, Asahina H, Shinagawa N, Kikuchi E, Kikuchi J, Sakakibara-Konishi J, Tanaka T, Kobayashi K, Hagiawara K, Nishimura M.:“The Peptide Nucleic Acid-Locked Nucleic Acid Polymerase Chain Reaction Clamp-Based Test for Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Mutations in Bronchoscopic Cytological Specimens of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer“,Oncology,82(6):341-346(2012)

- 古田華子,竹内 裕,菊地英毅,大泉聡史,松野吉宏,西村正治:「関節リウマチに対するメトトレキサート中止にて消失した肺原発性悪性リンパ腫の1例」,『日本呼吸器学会誌』,1(3):256-260(2012)
- 竹内 裕,菊地英毅, 小倉 粋, 大泉聡史, 西村正治.:「肝転移にて再発し、肝動脈化学塞栓療法が奏功した肺カルチノイドの1例」,『肺癌』,52(2):232-237(2012))
- 今野 哲:「気管支喘息におけるβ2刺激薬と坑コリン薬」,『呼吸と循環』,60(3):309-314(2012)
- 鈴木 雅,西村正治:「COPDの分子メカニズム」,『Heart View』,16(3):272-282(2012)
- 福原俊一,佐久嶋 研,西村正治:「急がば回れ-臨床研修医の厚い層の育成は、将来の創薬研究を支える」,『BRAIN and NERVE』,64(3):225-228(2012)
- 猪又崇志:「V.COPDガイドライン」,『日本内科学会雑誌』,101(6):1631-1636(2012)
- 西村正治:「肺組織における薬物動態で考えるべきこと」,『化学療法の領域』,28(9):19(2012)
- 西村正治:「重症・難治性喘息と個別化治療への道」,『IgE practice in asthma』,6(2):1(2012)
- 鈴木 雅,西村正治:「COPDガイドライン改訂の要点」,『医学書院』,60(10):999-1004(2012)
- 今野 哲:「第4章 管理・治療 治療薬剤1.ステロイド剤」,『最新医学・別冊 新しい診断と治療のABC3』,【最新医学社・大阪・長井苑子 編】,165-171(2012)
- 渡部 拓,窪田直人:「第3節 肥満モデル動物」,『seriesモデル動物利用マニュアル疾患モデルの作成と利用 糖尿病・肥満/感染症』,【株式会社エル・アイ・シー・東京・窪田直人,門脇 孝,野本明男,喜多正和 編】(2012)